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Baca Juga: Cerita Insinyur 62 Tahun yang Hidup Membujang Bersama 9 Boneka Manusia di Rumahnya: Aku Merasa Bodoh dengan Semua Ini
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View this post on Instagram #CaptionRepost @dolphin_project ・・・ BREAKING: Dolphin Project helped successfully confiscate two dolphins, along with many other animals suffering in deplorable conditions from the Melka Hotel in Indonesia! The evacuation team includes @RichardOBarry, Founder/Director of Dolphin Project, four veterinarians, the Central Jakarta Forestry Department, Jakarta Animal Aid Network (JAAN), Bali Police Department, biologists and film makers. Read more by tapping the link in @dolphin_project bio! #DolphinProject #freebalidolphins #LetsProtectDolphinsTogether #stopsirkuslumba A post shared by Manohara Odelia (@manodelia) on Aug 12, 2019 at 2:21pm PDT
#CaptionRepost @dolphin_project ・・・ BREAKING: Dolphin Project helped successfully confiscate two dolphins, along with many other animals suffering in deplorable conditions from the Melka Hotel in Indonesia! The evacuation team includes @RichardOBarry, Founder/Director of Dolphin Project, four veterinarians, the Central Jakarta Forestry Department, Jakarta Animal Aid Network (JAAN), Bali Police Department, biologists and film makers. Read more by tapping the link in @dolphin_project bio! #DolphinProject #freebalidolphins #LetsProtectDolphinsTogether #stopsirkuslumba
A post shared by Manohara Odelia (@manodelia) on Aug 12, 2019 at 2:21pm PDT
Artikel ini telah tayang di dengan judul 'Umur 17 Tahun Dipaksa Layani Putra Raja saat Lagi Haid, Intip Kabar Artis Cantik Ini yang Pilih Jadi Tim Evakuasi Hewan Langka'