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Mau Postingan Makin Keren? Inilah 30 Quotes Tentang Kehidupan Dalam Bahasa Inggris yang Cocok Jadi Caption

By Ekawati Tyas, Minggu, 30 Juli 2023 | 06:30 WIB

Ilustrasi quotes bahasa Inggris tentang kehidupan.

GridPop.ID - Quotes bijak tentang kehidupan dalam bahasa Inggris ini cocok dijadikan caption Facebook, Instagram, TikTok hingga WhatsApp.

Caption dalam bahasa Inggris dianggap lebih keren.

Tapi kadang bingung dalam membuat caption bahasa Inggris.

Melansir Tribun Lifestyle, berikut 30 quotes bijak tentang kehidupan yang bisa jadi caption medsos.

1. "If there is at least one person you've helped in life, then your life has been worthwhile." - L. Sydney Abel.

2. "Life gives back what you ask from it." - Israelmore Ayivor.

3. "Life is not just about what you achieve, it's about who you are and how you live." - Maggie Huffman.

4. "Gratitude is the emotional expression of appreciation for what is present in your life." - Janeen Latini

5. "It is intuitive that people who smile and cut out negativity from their life will live longer, healthier lives." - Deena B. Chopra; KC Harry.

6. "When it comes to teaching a child about all he needs to know in life, there is no better person than the child's parent." - Aidin Safavi.

7. "I believe that contentment in life begins with having a thankful heart." - Daniella Whyte.

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