GridPop.ID - Kumpulan quotes dalam bahasa Inggris tentang kepemimpinan yang bijak dan adil.
Menjadi seorang pemimpin yang baik memerlukan kombinasi keterampilan, karakter, dan dedikasi.
Seorang pemimpin harus memiliki visi yang jelas dan mampu mengartikulasikan tujuan jangka panjang organisasi atau tim.
Berikut kumpulan quote dalam bahasa Inggris tentang kepemimpinan dari berbagai tokoh:
1. "The best way to deal with a toxic leader is not to engage. Toxic leaders thrive on chaos and conflict." - Anonim
2. "Toxic leaders are like bad weeds, they choke out the potential growth of those around them." - Anonim
3. "A leader’s attitude filters down to the entire team. If the leader is toxic, the environment becomes toxic." - Anonim
4. "The most toxic thing you can do in a leadership position is to put your own ego above the well-being of your team." - Anonim
5. "Leadership is not about being in charge. It's about taking care of those in your charge." - Simon Sinek